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Learn Resume Writing

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Professional resume writing is in demand in both good and bad economies. At the time this web page was written, the search term "resume" was searched for in the Yahoo inventory 452,645 times during the preceding 30 days; "resume writing" 49,557 times, and many other variations besides.

A lot of people need their resumes polished up and if you've got the skills and computer tools to turn out a great resume, you can make good money doing it.

Some things you will need

To start any resume business you will need a number of basic tools to get started:

  • Quality Computer (may be PC or MAC)
  • Word processing software with template capability (such as MS Word)
  • Good quality color printer
  • Thesaurus & Dictionary
  • Resumé Reference Books showing different styles of resumés for different job types
  • Optional: resume building software

resume writing businessKeys to your success will be having a great knowledge of what employers want to see in a resume, a good computer and good software skills. Proficiency in MS Word would also be a plus in this case and perhaps the ability to convert files into Adobe Acrobat for those who want to be able to send Resumes in "read only" format. This would require Adobe Acrobat Professional or a similar software capable of file conversion from your Word Processor files to PDF. The reason we mention MS Word is because there are many PDF programs designed to convert WORD documents into PDF format.

Building your resume writing service will require some time researching the web and perhaps acquiring a few books about the best way to write a great resume. We've done some of the work for you by researching the Internet and finding some sites you can use as a starting point. These sites are examples you can learn from. Remember: never plagiarize text or images from other web sites - this would be copyright infringement.

Resources you can use


  • The Elements Of Resume Style: Essential Rules And Eye-opening Advice For Writing Resumes And Cover Letters That Work (Paperback) by Scott Bennett

  • Get the Interview Every Time: Fortune 500 Hiring Professionals' Tips for Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters (Paperback) by Brenda Greene


Web Resources

E-Learning Center - Resume writing course. Online course for individuals who wish to learn how to write their own resume.

Resumania - humorous examples of what NOT to put in resumes.

Rockport Institute - How to write a masterpiece of a resume. Site specializes in helping people choose careers they love.

ResumeTutor - University of Minnesota program designed to walk the writer through the steps of formatting their resume.

Articles - Career Journal articles related to resumes. Good reading.

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